One Son, Two Daughters, Three Incredible Blessings

In addition to having the privilege of being mom to my teenage son, L, I am in the process of adopting two beautiful girls from Pyatigorsk, Russia. This is our adoption story...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Daily Blessings

I have been so worried about my package getting into the proper Russian hands. There have been so many shipping problems! One friend's package didn't even get to where it was going and she had to redo all of her medicals. My package contains documents that I don't even want to think about redoing! My caseworker called today and wanted me to call FedEx immediately to see if the package had left Moscow. As you all know, it was scheduled to be in my region on Thursday. I need it to get there so that I can get a court date! I've been tracking it and it was now leaving Moscow for the SECOND time. But I needed to call to verify. A very nice person told me, "Yes, it has left Moscow and will be in the region on Thursday." Good, we're on schedule. I call my caseworker back and she's on the phone...she calls me back and it just so happens that she was on the phone with my region coordinator. He had the package in his hands! WOW! Now I'm on pins and needles wondering how long it will take to translate the documents so that I can get that court date!


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